In 1999, Dark Moor achieves its first contract. It is the right momento to record the first album of the band "Shadowland", thanks to the interest of Arise records, wich makes them loyal to this label to launch their posterior works.
the record get better results than expected,reaching to the point of being edited in central Europe or Brazil, and letting the doors open to make a memorable Spanish tour with Demons & Wizards.
In august 2000 the band records their international confirmation "The Hall of the Olden Dreams".
The next tour includes with great succes some festivals,like Viña Rock and Mijas Rock. The band received some awards from the critics and also took part on the tribute album to Helloween,named "The keepers of Jericho",contributing with "Halloween", acover that made the band achieve the respect and recognition from half of the world,this song would also been included in the EP "The fall of Melniboné" for Spain.
In November 2001, Dark Moor record their third long lenght," The Gates of Oblivion, being edited in new countries like USA and Canada, and managing to get a deal with JVC Multinacional for the distribution of the cd in the asian market.
The tour following this record permited the band to make itself a remarkable room in festivals like Rock Machina, Viña Rock, Nit de Reis or Metal Christmas.
In August 2002, Dark Moor gets again into the studio in Madrid to record 4 acoustic songs which will be included in the EP "Between Light and Darkness".
After this EP a change ocurred that would be fundamental for the new sound of Dark Moor and for its definitive international renown. The entry of Alfred Romero as the new lead singer. Alfred gives his personality and unique voice and they all travel to Italy one more time in order to record "Dark Moor", the fourth long-lenght, cd of the band. With a rawer and improved sound achieving a touch of international quality thanks to the contributionnof Alfred´s special voice.
They finaly got an international tour,conquering Spain,Belgium,and France with After Forever.
Besides this tour,the band also makes a tour around Spain and participates in a few festivals,emphasizing their performance in Viña Rock,where thousands of people have the chance of watching them.
The moment of this new confirmation comes during summer 2004,with the recordings of the fifth album of the group,"Beyond the Sea",which will see the light on early 2005.The record keep strong in all marquets, despite of the international crisis.
With this album, Dark Moor also make their first video clip of the single "Before the Duel" with more than a half million people see it in youtube.
Starting afterwards their usual Spanish tour and playing in several festivals in Spain,Italy,France and Switzerland.
In this important moment they receive bad news, their label Arise records announce their dissolution.
In summer 2006, between negotiations for the future, the recordings of their sixth work start. For this new record, named "Tarot" they will rely on the new drummer of the band Roberto Cappa.
With the new album, Dark Moor soon get a new label for Europe AND America: Scarlet Records. They also get a deal with Avalon Marquee for the distribution of the cd in the Asian Marquet.
Dark Moor now record the videoclip for the new single,called "the Chariot".
Soon after being released,"Tarot" receives the best critics of the band´s history, being considered best album of the month by Metal Hammer(Spain),Powerplay(UK),Metal reviews(USA),Heavyowl(Germany),and best album of the year by Heavylaw(France).
the band gets now on tour all around Spain to introduce the new album, and from this tour a new clip is born:"Wheel of fortune", mixing live sound with studio sound.
Thanks to the great impact caused by "Tarot", the band travels to South America for the first time, performing in Chile, Peru, and Brazil. So Dark Moor becomes the first Spanish band playing in Brazilian stages.
They complete this with some festivals in France and Spain.
In August 2008 with a great expectancy from the fans, Dark Moor come back to Italy with their producer Luigi Stefanini, in order to record what is going to be the seventh long-lenght album of the band.
Following the release of the critically-acclaimed "Tarot" which confirmed their status as one of the leading forces in the European metal scene, the Spanish power/symphonic metallers Dark Moor are ready to come back with a new, exciting album, the sevent in their prestigious career ,the new masterpiece is called "Autumnal" full of powerful symphonic metal and with new sounds like celtic athmospheres of "Phantom Queen" gothic -oriented of "The Enchanted Forest" or arabian melodies of"When The sun is Gone" ,following the release of the album, the band film another clip for the song "On The Hill of Dreams" with the new bass player Mario Garcia.
With this new album, they play again in France and achieve new goals in Russia or Chequia after presenting it in Madrid, Valencia o Vitoria, so that they become the most international band born in Spain in the symphonic metal.
In november 2010 its new work will born. It is recorded as the others in the New Sin Studios, commanded by Luigi Stefanini and supported by the italian company Scarlet Records. Its title, « Ancestral Romance » is a sing to Spain, its art and artist. It contains ten songs, among them, « Alaric de Marnac » brights with its own light, a powerful theme and a tribute to the famous character Paul Naschy, the terror actor known worldwide recently died.
« Alaric de Marnac » will be presented in october 23 in the Heineken Hall in Madrid. The new album will be a new step in the carrier of the group and it will contain its identity signs: musical excelence, big symphonic themes, full of catchy chorus and memorable melodies that, for sure, their fans will be crazy about all over the world.
A banda decide então adicionar um tecladista, cargo que passa a ser ocupado por Roberto Peña.
A banda também participou do álbum The Keepers of Jericho, de tributo à banda alemã de power metal Helloween.
Depois que lançou Shadowland (1999), ganhando grande reconhecimento por onde passou, eles fazem uma turnê pela Espanha com os fodáticos do Demons & Wizards (Hansi Kürsch e Jon Schaffer), ganhando uma legião de fans ainda maior. Esse álbum mostra mais maturidade dos integrantes e garantindo Elisa como uma referencia para vocalistas de metal que não faz o lírico.
Como Gates of Oblivion (2002) Simplesmente o melhor álbum do Dark Moor, Elisa se despede nesse CD, mostrando que o vocal feminino no Power Metal dar certo e deixando o seu nome na história do estilo. Gates of Oblivio é Perfeito.
O Vocal fica então com Alfredo Romero que apesar de cantar muito bem, tenta imitar Elisa do começou ao fim nesse álbum. Coisa que não faz desse álbum ruim. Muito bem feito com o toque que somentes eles conseguem fazer que é misturar grandes peças de música clássica com o poder do metal. Bem sinfonico e composto.
Enrik García e Javier Rubio mostram que estão bem coesos e se transformando em grandes guitaristas que baseam suas melodias em músicas clássicas. Mostrando que o álbum é um prato cheio de Pomposas canções.
Com a saída de Javier Rúbio, parece que o barco ia naufragar, assim diziam alguns. Para dar um exemplo da importancia do cara para banda, vamos dizer que ele era como o Kiko Loureiro para o Angra. Mas essas pessoas não esperavam que no inicio de 2007 um novo Dark Moor estaria varrendo quarterões com um dos melhores álbuns do ano.
Tarot, é um álbum moderno, poderoso e diferente. Bem equilibrado e equalizado, mostra que Enrike Gárcia era o monstro por trás de tudo. O cara simplesmente mudou de nível nas guitarras! Alfredoe finalmente estava mostrando seu potencial e saindo da sombra que lhe perseguia chamada Elisa Martín.
FONTE:Discipline of Steel -
Alfred Romero - Vocal
Enrik Garcia - Guitarra
Dani Fernandez - Baixo
Roberto Cappa - Bateria
Formação original
Elisa C. Martin - Vocal
Enrik Garcia - Guitarra
Albert Maroto - Guitarra
Roberto Peña De Camus - Teclado
Anan Kaddouri - Baixo
Jorge Sáez - Bateria
Shadowland (1999)
The Hall of the Olden Dreams (2000)
Gates of Oblivion (2002)
Dark Moor (2003)
Beyond the Sea (2005)
Tarot (2007)
Autumnal (2009)
Ancestral Romance (2010)
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