Alissa vem sendo cada vez mais reconhecida devido a sua grande capacidade de combinar vocais limpos com o Gutural. Aos 21 anos formou a banda The Agonist e agora, aos 23, lançou seu segundo álbum, “Lullabies for the Dormant Mind” pela Century Media Records.
A carinha angelical esconde um monstro de voz bipolar,já participou na versão canadense do programa “Ídolos”.
Também a trabalhar activamente com a PETA, sendo ela uma amante dos animais. Outra característica é que ela pertence ao movimento Straight Edge e leva vida vegan,vegetariano desde os 15.
Some questions about you:
Did you always want to become a singer?
No, I didn't. Its just something I started doing and excelling at.
Did you follow any singing lessons and how do you keep your voice in top condition?
I have never taken singing lessons, and I try to keep my whole body in healthy shape to keep my vocal cords healthy too.
You use both clean vocals and metal growls for The Agonist. Which style do you prefer?
I need a bit of both, I would be bored with just one style.
And to what kind of music do you listen yourself?
Everything but country!
And who are your favourite bands and musicians?

Did you have any other bands before The Agonist & Tempest and/or are you active in any other bands now besides The Agonist?
I had 2 other bands besides this one, but right now this is my only priority musically.
Is it easy to combine your personal life with The Agonist?
Not at all! I'm sure most musicians will agree.
Besides your work with The Agonist we could also see you in other media the last years:

Hahaha well to be honest, in the 80's I was 5 years old, but it seems that the men were just as eye-candy-ish as the women! I think it's debatable, but strong women allowing themselves to be feminine and sexy sends a STRONGER message than one who thinks she has to be masculine to be strong. We are having our cake and eating it too.
(* You really should read the biography Paul Di’Anno, the ex Iron Maiden singer wrote)
About The Agonist:
Why did you change the name of the band into The Agonist and what is the idea behind the name of the band?
We switched the name to avoid confusions with other bands called Tempest. An agonist is a drug used to enduce feeling in patients, like the opposite of an anesthetic, and is also the name for the character torn between good and evil in the literary sense.

Weird metal -go listen.

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